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Starting all over again

It has happened before and I’m pretty sure it’ll repeat one day in the future: I’ve decided to change everything in here. The reason: I was disgusted with the old layout – it made me stopping posting... :P (Ok, I’m conscious this layout is not the best one; however, I’m not creative today…) 

There’s a long time I didn’t show up here. My life is so, so busy that makes me postpone a lot of things, including this blog. Now, I want to start all over again, even though I had to write post in “dear diary” style. 

Talking about my life (and “dear diary”), everything is insane nearby: work + attending classes + internship + English classes + papers to write + 6 blogs to succeed + all the social medias + study hard + reading + family + friends + teaching = it takes me a long time spent in life… It’s been increasingly hard to manage all of these actions. By the way, having just 24 hours a day gets me tired. There are days all I want is doing absolutely nothing. Today is one of them

Some people ask me about the reasons I’m living this kind of life if I’ve always preserved the quality instead of the quantity. The answer is quite simple: I’m still looking forward to my dream come true. I’m dedicated to being a professor, but any teacher. I want to be the best one and I’ll be get it! 

That’s it. 
See you, fellas! ;)


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