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The day I’ve said no

Photo: We♥it

Today something strange (?) happened with me: I said no. Everything began when a new friend of mine started talking to me on facebook… In the middle of our conversation, he said he’d like to get to know me better, because he believes I’m a strong and daring person. Well, although I don’t have an official boyfriend, I love my prince and I’d never change him to other guy, so what am I supposed to do? Just say no. That’s what I’ve did.

After this conversation, I’ve started thinking about my life, not only how gorgeous and smart I am – I must to believe in it! – but how my life is changing this year. In fact, today was the first time a guy older than me said he’d like to get to know me better. I truly believe this happened because I know where I want to be in the future and I’ve started taking care about myself.  

I’m trying to light my own way with happiness, even if I were alone, even if I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Despite I don’t like to say no, I’m happy. It’s helped me to see all these changings clearly.


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