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Job interview = fail.

Well, the name of this post tells everything, but I need to write about this fail experience. This week, my last week on vacation, I received a call to a job interview. I decided to go, because that was my opportunity to being an English teacher.

At the time scheduled, I was there. It was a cold Monday afternoon, but I try to seem happy (although the flu was killing me). I just met Taís (school coordinator). She was the person who would talk to me. Well, we entered in a small room and I’ve seen a book that made me happy: Summit! Well, I told her “I know this book, I worked with the top notch… they are from the same collection”. Them we started talking. Taís is a nice girl, with a beautiful smile and a lot of enthusiasm! I liked her – and she liked me. We talked about my life and about the school – a nice place! So, she told me she liked me and ask me if I would like to work there. That was my opportunity, the salary was low, but that was my opportunity and I said yes. So, she said I would to do an English test… and that’s was the fail part of my job interview.

I wanted them to print it, and started to fill out. Gee, it was “only” 4 pages… I haven’t had studied and I was feeling pain all over my body because of my flu… So I started reading… Exercise 1: phrasal verbs. The only thing I remembered was “broke down” (because Brian said it in a Backstreet Boys video). Exercise 2: filling the blanks – that was so so. Exercise 3: write a composition. Exercise 4: the same. I was so tired, that I wrote the first thing that crossed my mind.

As a result: my speaking was great (as Taís told me), but my test was terrible!
I thing I don’t need tell you what happened before, right?!... it’s better I keep myself on the old job and start studying English again…


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